IJNDB - Use of Technology in Instruction

Emery County School District

Policy: IJNDB - Use of Technology in Instruction

Date Adopted: 3 February 1993

Current Review / Revision: 10 April 2024

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the effective integration of technology into K-12 instruction. The objective is to enhance teaching and learning, improve student engagement and outcomes, foster digital literacy, and prepare students for success in a technology-driven world.

Scope: This policy applies to all K-12 schools within [School District/Region]. It encompasses the use of various technology tools, including but not limited to computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards, educational software, and internet resources. Integration strategies will be applicable across all subject areas and grade levels.

Infrastructure and Resources: The school district will provide the necessary infrastructure and resources to support technology integration, including hardware, software, internet connectivity, technical support services, and professional development opportunities for educators.

Access and Equity: The school district is committed to ensuring equitable access to technology resources for all students and educators. Efforts will be made to bridge the digital divide and provide accommodations for students with disabilities or special needs to ensure they can fully participate in technology-enhanced instruction.

Curriculum Integration: Teachers are encouraged to integrate technology into their curriculum to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Guidelines for lesson planning, instructional strategies, and assessment methods that incorporate technology effectively will be provided by the district.
Digital Citizenship and Safety: Digital citizenship education will be integrated into the curriculum to teach students responsible and ethical use of technology. This includes online safety practices, digital literacy skills, respect for intellectual property rights, cyberbullying prevention, and protection of personal privacy.

Movies and Videos:

    • All movies or videos are to be free of offensive language, nudity, and violence, and are to be age appropriate.
    • Content of the movie or video should be relevant to the curriculum and objectives for the lesson. Professional educators bear responsibility to ensure that educational activities and support materials are relevant to the curriculum, appropriate for the age and maturity of students, and consistent with specific educational objectives.
    • All District employees must comply with federal copyright laws, as well as publisher licensing agreements.
    • Movies or videos rated as P.G.-13, R, N.C.-17, TV-M or X are not to be used in the classrooms for entertainment or educational purposes. A movie or video with a PG or TV-PG rating may be shown in grades K-12 with school administrative approval and parent notification. A movie or video with a G, TV-Y, or TV-Grating may be shown to any grade (K-12) with teacher discretion.
    • Non-rated movies and videos must be previewed prior to use and if used are to be free of offensive language, nudity, and violence, and are to be age appropriate.
    • Administrative approval for use of full-length movies and videos is required prior to use in the classroom. Full-length movies are not appropriate as the sole lesson plan designed for substitute teachers.
    • Occasionally a full-length movie may be appropriate as a reward. However, teachers are encouraged to be creative in developing other rewards for students.

Artificial Intelligence: The school district recognizes the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance teaching and learning experiences in K-12 education. AI technologies offer innovative solutions for personalized learning, data analysis, and educational support. The following guidelines outline the appropriate use of AI within our educational environment:
    • Educational Applications: AI technologies may be utilized to provide personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs. Educational software powered by AI algorithms can adapt content and instruction in real-time based on student performance, preferences, and learning styles.
    • Data Analysis and Insights: AI tools can analyze large datasets to identify trends, patterns, and insights that inform instructional decision-making. Data analytics powered by AI can help educators assess student progress, predict learning outcomes, and identify areas for intervention or support.
    • Virtual Assistants and Tutoring Systems: AI-powered virtual assistants and tutoring systems can provide additional support to students outside of the traditional classroom setting. These systems can offer interactive lessons, answer questions, provide feedback, and assist students in mastering challenging concepts.
    • Ethical Considerations: The district is committed to ensuring that AI technologies are used ethically and responsibly. AI applications must prioritize student privacy, data security, and transparency. Educators should be mindful of the potential biases inherent in AI algorithms and take steps to mitigate any unintended consequences.
    • Professional Development: Ongoing professional development opportunities will be provided to educators to build their understanding of AI technologies and their integration into instructional practices. Training may include workshops, seminars, and collaboration with AI specialists.
    • Evaluation and Monitoring: The implementation of AI technologies will be closely monitored and evaluated to assess their impact on teaching, learning, and student outcomes. Feedback from educators, students, and parents/guardians will be collected to inform continuous improvement efforts.
    • Equity and Access: Efforts will be made to ensure equitable access to AI technologies for all students, regardless of socio-economic status or other factors. The district will work to bridge the digital divide and provide support to students who may require additional assistance in utilizing AI tools effectively.
    • Compliance and Accountability: AI use in education must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and district policies related to data privacy, security, and student rights. Administrators, educators, and technology vendors are accountable for upholding these standards and ensuring responsible AI use.

By following these guidelines, the school district aims to harness the potential of AI technologies to enhance teaching and learning experiences, promote student achievement, and prepare students for success in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Professional Development: The district will provide ongoing professional development and training opportunities for educators to develop their technology skills and pedagogical knowledge. This may include workshops, courses, coaching, and collaboration with technology specialists.

Data Privacy and Security: The district is committed to safeguarding student and staff information and complying with relevant data privacy laws and regulations. Protocols will be established to secure network infrastructure, protect against cyber threats, and ensure the responsible handling of sensitive data.

Monitoring and Evaluation: The implementation of this policy will be monitored regularly, and feedback from stakeholders will be collected to evaluate its effectiveness. Data on technology integration, student outcomes, and professional development will be analyzed to make informed decisions and improvements.

Compliance and Enforcement: Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action as outlined in district policies and procedures, and individual school handbooks. Administrators, educators, students, and parents/guardians are responsible for adhering to the guidelines outlined in this policy.