GDM - Support Staff Professional Development Opportunities

Emery County School District

Policy: GDM-Support Staff Professional Development Opportunities

Date Adopted: 3 August 1988

Current Review / Revision: 3 February 1999


Support staff personnel are an integral part of the District's total staff. Their training and development are essential to the efficient and economical operation of the schools.

All support staff shall be encouraged to grow in job skills and take additional training that will improve their skills on the job. It shall be the responsibility of Principals or Supervisors to assist to the maximum degree in the training of all support staff personnel assigned to their buildings or departments.

Absences to attend meetings, conventions, conferences, or workshops of local, state or national associations which serve to advance the welfare of the District through the upgrading and strengthening of the support staff may be granted by the Superintendent, or his/her designee, without loss of pay to the employee.