JICJ - Electronic Device Use by Students or Visitors

Emery County School District

Policy: JICJ—Electronic Device Use by Students or Visitors

Date Adopted: 11 August 2004

Current Review / Revision: 10 April 2024

An electronic communication device includes cell phones, smartwatches, tablets, two-way radios, video broadcasting devices, and any other device that allows a person to record and/or transmit, on either real time or delayed basis, sound, video, still images, text, or other information.

The Emery County School District has determined that electronic communication devices are appropriate in some instances and have educational value in the school context, but they may also create a distraction to the learning environment.

A student or visitor may possess an electronic communication device in school, on school property, at after-school activities and at school-related functions, provided that during class time, the electronic communication device remains off. The device must also be concealed, unless the device is being used as part of an instructional lesson as directed by a teacher. Although electronic communication devices can be brought into the building, the following must be adhered to in order for a positive learning environment to exist:

1.    Electronic communication devices shall not be turned on and available for operation during class time, testing, school programs, assemblies, concerts, field trips and other school activities without permission of the classroom teacher or a school administrator.
2.    At no time may electronic communication devices be utilized by any student or visitor in a way that might reasonably create in the mind of another person an impression of being threatened, humiliated, harassed, embarrassed or intimidated.
3.    Student use of an electronic communication device during restricted time and when directed by a school employee may be necessary in emergencies, including medical emergencies, a hostage situation, a case of an in-school violent act, or an in-school intruder who becomes violent.
4.    During school activities when the use of electronic devices are permitted, students or visitors shall not use electronic devices for video or audio capture, recording, or transmission of the words or images of others without express prior notice and explicit consent and where such use is in violation of law or policy.
5.    All uses of electronic communication devices on school property or during off-campus school-sponsored activities are subject to all school and district policies, as well as USBE board rule and State and Federal law.

Electronic Device Search
Search of an electronic device shall be restricted to data areas in which there is reasonable suspicion that a law or policy has been violated. Data searches may be conducted only to the extent necessary to retrieve evidence of the law or policy violation.

If any of the above rules are violated by a student, the student will be informed of policy violation and will be subject to school discipline, which could include confiscation of the electronic communication device. A confiscated electronic communication device will be given to the school principal or his/her designee and returned to the student or to the student's parent or guardian at the end of the school day. Repeated violation of this policy may lead to student suspension or expulsion and will require the parent or guardian of the student to pick-up the device from the principal or his/her designee. Each school will outline their schools procedure for violations of the policy in their school hand book that is to be reviewed each year.

Reports of policy violation should be made to a student's principal, assistant principal, teacher, or advisor.
If any of the above rules are violated by a visitor, the visitor will be informed of the policy violation and will be subject to school or District discipline, which could include confiscation of the electronic communication device. Visitor violation of this policy may also lead to expulsion from the school premises.

The Emery County School District and its schools are not responsible for the loss, theft or damage to an electronic communication device owned/possessed by a student.